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Learn - Develop - Achieve

Warehouse Workers


The first Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) apprenticeship has been developed by a group of employers and is approved by the Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education.

Anyone aged 16 or above can apply to become a SHE apprentice and no experience is required. They must be working towards or already achieved GCSE grades C or above in Maths and English and a knowledge of commonly used computer applications is recommended for the academic elements.

This apprenticeship is a level 3 qualification, which is equivalent to two A-levels and takes 18-24 months to complete. Following a full 24 month journey, IOSH technical membership will be achieved.

The first 300 SHE apprentices to apply for IOSH student membership will get their membership for free.


As a SHE apprentice you will assist to develop, review and check on the implementation of safe systems of work, deliver training (e.g. toolbox talks and inductions), investigate incidents, analyse data and present findings to the management team”.

By the end of this course apprentices will be able to:

  • contribute effectively, adapting to the audience to present information or training in an assertive, engaging way

  • work with others well in a team and lead by example in a collaborative way

  • assist in the development, management, implementation and monitoring of the Safety, Health and Environmental Management System by updating systems in line with changes in legislation or best practice

  • Assist and/or manage the investigation of accidents, incidents, dangerous occurrences, near misses and other incidents as directed

  • plan and have systems in place to manage change during an activity relevant to the working environment.

Startup Development Team
Construction Workers


Apprentices are no longer just for school leavers. They cover a wide range of levels up to Masters Degree and are for anyone of any age.

Many employers already benefit from taking on an apprentice. We now have the opportunity to build on that and offer apprenticeships in other critical areas.

By recruiting an apprentice, your organisation will benefit from

  • new or existing employees trained up to current SHE standards and expectations

  • fresh and improved safety management techniques, reducing your risk profile

  • contribution to local employment, skills sharing and the overall retention of highly-skilled personnel in your sector

Your apprentices will be able to build a strong network of peers across the industry which they will be able to harness throughout their career, developing collaborative skills and behaviours, sharing ideas and best practice among fellow SHE professionals.


All employers operating in the UK, with annual pay bills over £3 million are required to contribute to the apprenticeship levy. 

For levy paying employers in England, or for those who’s apprentice would spend at least 50% of their working hours in England, there is £5k available per apprentice for training and end-point assessment.

Non-levy paying employers will share the cost of training and assessing their apprentices with government - this is called ‘co-investment’. You will pay 10% towards to the cost of apprenticeship training and government will pay the rest (90%)

Employers in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will need to follow advice provided by their local governments as funding arrangements there differ for Apprenticeships and other skills training.

Read further guidance on the apprenticeship levy.

Donation Jar
Good Grades


Entry requirements will be determined by individual employers, typically an apprentice might be expected to have achieved or be working towards 5 GCSE's A* - C including English and Maths as well as having knowledge to level 1 equivalent for commonly used office computer applications.

Apprentices without level 2 English and Maths and level 1 equivalent ICT will need to achieve this level prior to taking the end-point assessment.


Assessment activities will be completed in the following order:

  • Assessment of knowledge through an exam using multiple choice and short answer questions.

  • Testing of knowledge, skills and behaviours evidenced in a work project with a presentation and a question and answer session.

  • Professional discussion based around a portfolio of work to assess overall achievement of the knowledge, skills and behaviours across the standard.

Researching and Writing

To learn more about the courses we offer, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Apprenticeships: Courses & Programs


If you would like more information please download the brochures below


This guide contains all the information an employer needs to know about the SHE apprenticeship.


This guide is for anyone looking to become a SHE apprentice. It includes the courses you will sit as part of the study programme.

Apprenticeships: Files

MOBIUS Training and Consultancy Limited


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